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NewsTVMagazine (DE only)


The Supplier Days // 4. - 5.9.2024

Tuesday, 13-08-2024

Summery Christmastime

The peak season for Christmas orders in the promotional products industry begins in the summer. cyber-Wear and partners are looking for ideas all year round to accompany customers individually through the second half of the year.

The end of the first half of the year is peak season in the promotional products industry, as orders for Christmas and the New Year are now being written. The teams already rotate in Christmas mode in the summer and select suitable promotional gifts with the customers. Customers and business contacts appreciate small gifts, and creativity and individuality are particularly important.


We at cyber-Wear, together with our partner suppliers, are now particularly leveraging our strengths. The cyber team searches for ideas online and offline all year round to surprise with every order. Promotional items are given a new touch through creative twists and personalization.


Immediately after Easter, the timing for the current year is set and articles are selected and suggested together. The first mail order distribution will start in some cases as early as September. For some customers, we don't collect Christmas ideas at all, but focus on sales promotions such as Black Friday or reducing inventory at the end of the year.


This summer Christmas trade shows the great variety and the focus on individual customer service. Every customer has their own requirements, which our teams adapt to in close consultation. Creative and close to the customer for a successful Christmas trade!