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NewsTVMagazine (DE only)


The Supplier Days // 4. - 5.9.2024

Thursday, 15-08-2024

Efficient meeting culture at cyber-Wear

We have introduced a new meeting culture to make our collaboration more efficient. Our ideas apply to all internal and external meetings and ensure targeted, effective meetings.

We hold weekly internal and external jour fixes, mainly online, as well as project-related meetings and monthly cross-company updates. A lot has come together both internally and externally for so many – often new – customers and exciting projects!


In order to work even more efficiently, we have given the meetings a fixed time frame. We also make sure that the only people who participate are those who can make an active contribution and to whom the information is relevant. Meetings are preferably held in the mornings to enable focused work afterwards.


A time buffer between consecutive meetings and a punctual start ensure a smooth takeoff. In addition, each participant is given a fixed speaking time to work through the meeting effectively and briskly. Issues that cannot be resolved within ten minutes are postponed and worked on more.


A short agenda structures every meeting and ensures clear objectives. Minutes are taken after each meeting to record the topics discussed, results and to-dos with deadlines and are shared with all participants.


These measures make our communication and collaboration efficient and constructive. A meeting culture practiced this way helps us to achieve our goals together!