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NewsTVMagazine (DE only)


Harley Davidson Days Hamburg // 26.6..-1.7.24

10 years Cybergroup BeachCup // 29.6.24

Harley Davidson Days Swiss // 3. - 8.7.24

Mustang Meeting Swiss // 2. - 4.8.24

Wednesday, 27-07-2022

Merry Christmas at 32 degrees

"Postponed is not abandoned" - in keeping with this principle we at cyber-Wear made up for December's cancelled Christmas party. And yes, a Christmas carol had to be played and it was possibly the song that people sang along to with the most enjoyment.

But to begin at the beginning: with the temperature at 32 degrees we greeted each other with "Merry Christmas" at our favourite Italian restaurant in Heidelberg.  We took our welcome drinks down one floor to our table.  The pizza oven was fired up, the table was set and more drinks were waiting.  In his speech Steven thanked everyone for their resilience and hardwork in these difficult times.  "Here's to a great evening!"


Finally being able to get together casually outside of working hours, chatting, having fun, eating delicious food... that's what many had missed and it showed.  And it quickly turned into a great evening.  After the flying buffet everyone took a seat at the table and enjoyed a variety of Italian delicacies.  Of course,the chocolate dessert was not to be missed!


Midnight, and what now?  Some went on to the big city to enjoy the nightlife a bit.  And in no time it was dawn ...


Thanks for a wonderful evening!