SUSTAINABI L I TY REPORT | ISSUE 01 / 22 and international data protection regulations. As an economic operator, we are also subject to legal requirements for data security. In order to be compliant are legally obliged to disclose all facts and circumstances that have been entrusted to us in the course of our work or become known (including any personal data), particularly to protect and to treat secretly. Our employees therefore have to begin their work to submit a corresponding declaration of commitment for the Cybergroup. One that takes place annually data protection training is one of the compulsory training courses. Employees who work in areas of particular sensitivity also receive regular training and updates about information security. Given the high profile clients that we operate with and the importance and regulation surrounding personal data protection we took the decision to invest in becoming TISAX accredited. We achieved certification in 2020 so that our clients can be re-assured that we operate to an internationally recognised standard to protect personal data