OUR EMPLOYEE STATISTICS DEMONSTRATE: FUTURE - NEWWAYS, NEWGOALS AND HONESTY Understanding the lessons learnt in the last 25 years is essential when planning for the future. As with any business we are looking to evolve and to set and deliver on new goals. We are committed to achieving this with the utmost honesty and integrity. We are committed to being a reliable partner for all of our stakeholders be they clients, suppliers, the environment, our employees and their families. Cybergroup is company that leads through vision and creates one thing above all - trust. Throughout the challenging times that we have recently experienced trust and the ability to be reliable is an essential foundation for the future of any business. The landscape of the market in which we operate continues to change, becoming more complex with an increased demand for partners to have the ability to react quickly. Without a doubt this trend will continue and the ability to be a trusted partner who is able to adapt and support our clients will be a fundamental requirement for the further growth of our company. As with most businesses our employees are our most important asset. They are the team of professionals who are committed to representing Cybergroup and both establishing and maintaining that trust. Every employee helps to shape how our business is viewed. Cybergroup is only as good as the people within the business and the partners we select to work with. We are committed to holding ourselves to the highest standards and levels of accountability as we continue to work together for a successful future. 20 CYBERGROUP