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NewsTVMagazine (DE only)


The Supplier Days // 4. - 5.9.2024

Wednesday, 19-06-2024

125 years of Opel and we are part of it!

Opel is celebrating 125 years of automobile production and last Saturday hosted an open day at its headquarters in Rüsselsheim. Our event team was on site with the Opel Collection Shop "on Wheels".

Under the motto "Forever forward since 1899", customers, employees and the public were able to learn about automotive milestones and Opel's history at the Rüsselsheim production site.


A look behind the scenes


Visitors were able to take a look behind the scenes during factory tours and experience the Opel feeling during motorsport and Rocks Electric test drives. The 60th anniversary of the "Opel Design Studio" was also celebrated, where icons of automotive design from six decades can be admired.


Opel merchandise: stylish and cool


Our event team had some cool merchandise from the Opel Collection Shop. Have you already seen the #yesofcorsa Collection or the many stylish caps and T-shirts from the Lifestyle Collection? It's worth taking a look at the shop:
