Our Commitment to Sustainability

Creating jobs and producing high-quality products is no longer enough today. As a company grows, so does its responsibility – towards employees, suppliers, customers, the environment, and natural resources. At cyber-Wear, we face these challenges with determination.

Our partners and customers should be able to work with us in trust. That’s why we place great value on ensuring that the production of promotional items, textiles, and merchandise is carried out under good social and environmental conditions. By adhering to self-imposed codes of conduct, we take responsibility for our products.

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Our Sustainability Manufacturing

With 30 years of experience in the promotional products industry, we manufacture eco-friendly promotional items in our own sustainability workshop in Germany. This includes a beekeeping operation, a carpentry shop, a seed business, and a farm.

Our products are environmentally friendly, locally produced, and socially responsible. They help companies drive ecological transformation and achieve sustainability goals.


The motto “THE BLUE WAY” by bluesign® represents the vision and mission of responsible and sustainable textile manufacturing. The bluesign® SYSTEM makes the working and living conditions of everyone involved safer and more sustainable. Based on a holistic approach, bluesign® tracks the journey of each textile product throughout its production process and makes improvements at every stage, from manufacturing to the final product. Together with bluesign®, we are establishing this sustainable system in the corporate fashion and merchandising market.


cyber-Wear is aware of its responsibility towards the environment, its employees, suppliers, and customers, and has set itself the goal of advancing sustainability and taking it to the next level. One result of these efforts is the newly introduced category “Innovator of the Year” within the PSI Sustainability Awards, the sustainability award for the promotional products industry.

Environmental Guidelines

Cybergroup International has clear rules for environmentally responsible business practices. The environmental guidelines were approved by the overall management and communicated to our key service providers and suppliers.

We develop, produce, and distribute products that minimize environmental impact during their lifecycle and are recyclable. Our customers are increasingly being made aware of this guideline to help them incorporate products into their assortment with these aspects in mind.

We assess our impact on the natural environment through environmental metrics and take appropriate actions to reduce our environmental footprint. Our goal is to protect the environment and continuously improve our environmental performance.

We use resources sparingly and seek substitution options for environmentally harmful substances. The energy efficiency of our services must always be considered within the framework of the continuous improvement process (CIP).

Environmental policy aspects played a major role, especially in the construction of our new company headquarters in Mannheim.

Compliance with environmental legal requirements is a matter of course for us. The monitoring of compliance is carried out through the legal registry.

Our internal and external processes and organizational structures are regularly monitored and developed with an environmental focus.

Environmental responsibility is part of each employee’s duties. We regularly inform our employees about environmental protection measures, conduct regular environmentally-focused training, and have implemented an internal, environmentally-oriented suggestion system.

We maintain open environmental communication with our business partners, authorities, neighbors, and the public.

Compliance with the guidelines by our suppliers and customers is a top priority for us. For this reason, we regularly conduct environmentally-focused supplier evaluations and provide our customers with information about our products and processes.


As a company with international business relations, cyber-Wear Heidelberg GmbH bears a special responsibility to work towards improving global human rights conditions along our supply chains and to shape business relationships in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The increasing integration of cyber-Wear Heidelberg GmbH into global procurement and sales markets presents both opportunities and challenges: new markets and production sites are being opened up, creating jobs and prosperity. At the same time, risks may arise from a lack of transparency and the often inadequate enforcement of internationally recognized human rights within supply chains. cyber-Wear Heidelberg GmbH is committed to respecting, protecting, and upholding the human rights of individuals. We take this responsibility as a company, regardless of the ability or willingness of states to fulfill their duty to protect human rights. To this end, cyber-Wear Heidelberg GmbH establishes a risk management system to identify and analyze violations of human rights in the supply chain in a timely manner. Based on this, measures can then be taken to ensure compliance with human rights within the supply chain.

As part of its corporate and social responsibility, it is part of cyber-Wear Heidelberg GmbH’s understanding to pay fair wages, advocate for appropriate working conditions on-site, and prevent child exploitation. For cyber-Wear Heidelberg GmbH, gender equality is a given, and we do not discriminate based on gender, descent, race, language, nationality, origin, religion, sexual orientation, political views, or disability. We reject corruption as well as forced labor and human trafficking.

cyber-Wear Heidelberg GmbH stands by these guidelines and trains its employees to live these values within the company. This starts with the conscious recognition of violations of these principles, which are addressed and processed through established processes, leading to appropriate actions within the company. This also applies to third-party reports.


cyber-Wear has been part of the United Nations Global Compact since 2007, the world’s largest and most important initiative for responsible corporate governance. With our commitment, we share the vision of an inclusive and sustainable global economy that benefits all people, communities, and markets. In every order execution, we adhere to these principles.


The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations are political objectives aimed at promoting sustainable development worldwide on an economic, social, and environmental level. These goals form the foundation of our daily actions.


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Get in touch with us and stay up to date with cyber-Wear!

cyber-Wear Heidelberg GmbH
Elsa-Brändström-Strasse 4
68229 Mannheim

Fon +49(0)621 30 983-0
Fax +49(0)62130983-444