Sustainable Shipping with UPS: Together for a Greener Future. Sustainability is more than just a promise to us—it’s a responsibility. That’s why we partner with UPS for climate-friendly shipping.
With the UPS carbon neutral option, we were able to save 144.22 tons of CO₂e in 2024 alone—equivalent to:
• 1.2 million kilometers – the distance a combustion engine car could travel, equivalent to 30 trips around the world.
• 90 flights – the CO₂ emissions of a round-trip flight from Frankfurt to New York for 90 passengers.
• 14,422 trees – the number of trees needed to absorb this amount of CO₂ in just one year.
• 14–15 households – the annual CO₂ emissions of an average German household.
• 29 Olympic swimming pools – the volume of the saved CO₂ emissions in gaseous form.
• 57.7 tons of coal – the amount of coal that would have to be burned to produce the same CO₂ emissions.
• 576,000 kilometers by train – enough for one person to circle the Earth 14 times by rail.
• 288,000 T-shirts – the production of a single cotton T-shirt emits about 0.5 kg of CO₂.
• 2,400,000 smartphone charges – enough to fully charge a phone 2.4 million times.
• 480,000 cups of coffee – the CO₂ emissions generated by brewing this many cups of coffee.
These figures show: Every contribution counts! Our climate-friendly shipping is another step towards a more sustainable future. We thank UPS for their partnership in these efforts!